Rough justice: why (and when) we use ombudsmen

We have rarely seen the advice community as incensed as by the recent FCA-mandated decision to increase the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) maximum award from £150,000 to £350,000, to embrace the larger size of awards arising from transfers from Defined Benefit...

Opting out of the active-management problem

What are we to do about Neil Woodford’s shockingly bad performance? One answer, and possibly the only important one: don’t put yourself in this position again. Opt out of active management altogether and go passive. Many investment ‘stars’ over the years have...

An argument for (part) contingent fees

The Work and Pensions Select Committee has called for written submissions to its enquiry into the merit of a ban on ‘contingent charges’ in the case of transfers from DB pension schemes to personal pensions. Our distinctive approach to fees generally has...

Where the risk is hidden in CDC

Our response to the DWP consultation on CDC focuses on a level-playing field for risk disclosure. We ask for fair and not misleading communication of the risks, preventing any use of ‘money illusion’ to hide the risks that DB pension plan sponsors and...

Is private equity worth it?

Private equity is one of the investment opportunities Fowler Drew clients choose to pass up when they retain us. New research points to why this is sensible. New research; but not a new idea. The theory that private equity merely exposes investors to systematic risk...

Financial advice: what FT readers say

Personal chemistry is what’s holding the advice industry together, reading between the lines of a recent FT survey of readers about their relationship (or not) with financial advisers and wealth managers. This is remarkable in today’s technology-dependent...